Photo Courtesy: Dharma Communications on Flickr Sometimes when you plan a surprise, you have to be ready for than what you planned for… Enjoy the story: Surprise Jack spent a fortune for that diamond necklace. Fifteen years of being married to Becky, he had never once remembered her birthday. Today, he wanted to surprise her…. Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Mini Saga
Mini Saga #36 – Suicide
Photo Courtesy: Impala74 on Flickr When you are in the middle of a mess, it’s easy to miss a LOT of important things. Enjoy the story: Suicide Mired in debt and fired recently, Tony decided to end his life. His suicide note was simply a list thanks and blessings. The note ran six pages long…. Continue reading
Mini Saga #31 – Job Search
Photo Courtesy: Khalil Shah at Flickr Enjoy the story: Job Search Nine months of futile “job hunt” had devastated Rick. There was simply too much of competition everywhere. Rick invested in himself throughout these nine months. Finally, Rick got a job. It was not Rick who had “found” it. He had grown and become someone… Continue reading
Mini Saga #30 – The Opportunity
Photo courtesy: LeSpring123 at Flickr **Warning**: New Buzzword Alert Stage Capturing: Taking advantage of somebody else’s stage for your advantage (without permission from that somebody) Enjoy the story: The Opportunity Tim sent a note to a few dozen friends promoting his new book. One of the recipients, Bob quickly responded to all promoting his own… Continue reading
Mini Saga #29 – The Sale
Sometimes the discounts we see on the “special sales” don’t account for the additional costs… The Sale Jack didn’t want to miss those “early bird specials” on Friday. Doors opened at 5 in the morning. Jack had to be there at least by midnight to save $50. After some thought, Jack decided to drop this… Continue reading
Mini Saga #28 – Competition
Tracking your competition is important, but… Competition Rick was obsessed with the moves of a key competitor. He aggressively re-engineered the startup’s product to match the competitor’s offering. The competitor fought back too. After a few years of dog fight, both companies closed down citing lack of customer traction. Unfortunately, the customer was missing from… Continue reading
Mini Saga #27 – The Game
Photo Courtesy: Tim Patterson The Game Bob and John had ring-side seats. Bob was very unhappy with the way his team was playing. Bob had detailed comments on how the team should really play. After listening for an hour, John said, “Relax, Bob. Being close to the game is not the same as playing the… Continue reading
Mini Saga: The Child – Contributed by Sterling Lanier
I love this mini saga (a story told in exactly 50 words) by Sterling. The Child The small child lovingly hugged his grandfather and shouted “I went to the zoo! I saw snarling lions, laughing hyenas, shrieking monkeys and the elephant has a long gray nose. You should see it!” “I do see it” replied… Continue reading
Mini Saga #26 – The Follower
Since you only get to live once, it may be worth watching who you are following… The Follower John believed in his leader and followed him everywhere. John was not alone. There were other followers too. It was a long and exciting journey. Unfortunately the destination was not pretty. The leader was shocked but moved… Continue reading
50 words; so many benefits
A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words – not 49 or 51 but exactly 50 words. Why write a mini saga? There are several reasons. For the reader, the benefits are simple – whether the mini saga is good or bad, it only takes a minute to read it. There are… Continue reading