You and I both know that one cannot become remarkable overnight. We also know that being remarkable has many benefits – the biggest one is that you have a better opportunity to make a bigger difference in this world. So, how do you get started? How do you take a proactive approach to become remarkable?… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → destination
Important, but Underrated
There is one component of your life that is very important but probably highly underrated. It is the journey. Common sense will say that we probably spend 99.9% of our time in the journey and 0.01% (if we are generous) at the destination. When we reach the destination, almost immediately, our focus goes to the… Continue reading
Treadmill or the Train…
Photo Courtesy: Ducatirider on Flickr No, this post has nothing to do with fitness and traveling. It is about the confusion that occurs when you copy something blindly. I will take the social media example. There is a tendency here to follow what the most successful people are doing. The general assumptions people make to… Continue reading