You require a really fine balance when it comes to paying attention to criticism when you are on the receiving end. If you ignore criticism completely, you may be missing some good feedback. If you take every criticism at face value, you may be tempted to act on erroneous feedback. More often than not, people… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → criticism
7 Reasons Why Some Smart People Criticize Others
You would have seen or met people who are smart and extremely critical. They are sometimes a pain to be around when it comes to discussing some ideas with them. The moment you share an idea or opinion, they jump to find the holes in it and literally rip it apart. In most cases they… Continue reading
Grace and Elegance
Photo Courtesy: Amitabh Bacchan’s blog Criticism is part of life. If you are doing anything significant, there will always be some criticism from someone Why? Simply because you can’t please everyone. A simple thing to do is to handle criticism with grace. Here is an example of how Amitabh Bacchan (who needs no introduction for… Continue reading
Mini Saga #51 – Criticism
Photo: Stanford Dish, Palo Alto Birds of the same feather do not always flock together… Enjoy the story: Criticism Jenny could find something wrong with almost anything. She complained about something or someone on one or more social networks everyday. Lot of friends joined in her rants. One day, when she needed something, none or… Continue reading