When you make a mistake, the cost effective way to stop further mess-ups is to admit the mistake. Carnegie’s quote explains this – albeit very strongly 🙂 “Any fool can defend his mistake – and most fools do” – Dale Carnegie Please sign up for my newsletter here:
Post Category → Think
Clicking is not everything
Some spammers think and are intelligent people. They write interesting subject lines that may make you click on that particular email message. Some of the recent headlines were: a. Confirmed for the friday event; Look forward to meeting with you b. Re: Press release last week c. Thank you; Will connect back next week as… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Ben Franklin
Quotes worth recording – Anonymous
My friend Kamalesh Ruparel sent me this beautiful quote that made my day. I searched long and hard to find the author but could not succeed. No more explanation needed. Just enjoy! “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of moments that take our breath away” –… Continue reading
The Weasel Poop Coffee Story
I am reading a fascinating book called “The Dream Society” by Rolf Jensen. Jensen argues that the new society will be increasingly influenced by stories. In fact he says that we will move from an information society to a dream society. When I met with my friend Patrick Mahaffey (from Logistech Global Solutions) this morning, … Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Swami Vivekananda
First time entrepreneur questions – A Baker's dozen
You only get to be a “first time entrepreneur” once. First time entrepreneurs are always special. An old friend used to say: First time entrepreneurs have a major advantage – they don’t question everything before they leap into the business First time entrepreneurs have a major disadvantage – they don’t question everything before they leap… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Peter Drucker
Quotes worth recording – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jim Rohn said that success is measurable progress in reasonable time. This quote extends it a bit and reminds us that it’s important to move in the right direction. “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes… Continue reading
10 Questions to ask yourself when you are small
Most of the people who have mentored me tell me that it’s not always the right answers that help – it’s asking the right questions. There was a discussion a few months ago on whether being small had its advantages – agility, speed etc. My response then was that it all depends and I stick… Continue reading