Ogilvy might have said this in the context of advertising, I think this is true in many other areas in life as well. It is all in how you package what you have to offer. “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” – David Ogilvy Enjoy your weekend! Please sign up for my newsletter here:
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Quotes worth recording – Richard Saul Wurman
We all talked about an information overload. Is it really information overload or… “Everyone spoke of an information overload, but what there was in fact was a non-information overload” – Richard Saul Wurman What-If, Could-Be (1976) One of my friends sent this and said that this just re-validates our idea of unveiling Suggestica as a… Continue reading
Why do I think many software engineers are on drugs?
I am sad. Actually, very sad! I think an easy way to kill a software engineer is by overcompensating him or her for doing commodity work. With globalization in full force, this has become very common. Large scale software projects with a ton of commodity work are being shipped overseas and boatloads of software engineers… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Gabriel Zaid
How to deal with difficult customers?
There are many articles and books written on how to deal with difficult customers. I know you may think this is naive but a better question for me would be “Why do you have to deal with difficult customers?” 90% of the time you don’t have to. There are exceptions but barring those (very few)… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Andre Gide
Gide highlights beautifully the need to be yourself. Reminds me of a short piece that I wrote a while ago: Ways to distinguish yourself – #36 Reduce the “Facade Diff” “It is better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not” – Andre Gide Enjoy your weekend! Please sign… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Dale Carnegie
Most people think that they will be happy if they are successful (in their own terms) but Carnegie explains beautifully that happiness comes from wanting what you aleady have. In fact, you can be happy right now with what you have. Doesn’t mean that you should not aspire for more but the logic of equating… Continue reading
Lessons from mega mergers – excerpts from talk by Tom Kendra (Symantec)
Tom Kendra, Executive Vice President of Symantec spoke at last week’s ACG event. Kendra shared the lessons from mega mergers (remember Symantec-Veritas deal.) Kendra’s 7 lessons for mega mergers are as follows: 1. Have a plan.Most mega mergers fail because people have not thought through the merger end to end.2. Establish when decisions are giong… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – John Gardner
Once you read this, you will see that it is obvious. Most of the times, we are blind to things that are close to us. Next time, when you get some “real” feedback from someone that cares for you, resist the temptation to defend and start learning. “Pity the leader caught between unloving critics and… Continue reading