If you are following yesterday’s success tips, they may not be applicable for tomorrow 🙂 Enjoy the quote. “Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with times” – Niccolo Machiavelli Please sign up for my newsletter here:
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Quotes worth recording – A.E. Hotchner
Every significant leap in your growth happened because you stretched beyond your limits. The question therefore is – “Are you stretching in the areas that you wish to grow or are you complacent and WISH that you grew?” Enjoy the quote. “Of course we all have our limits, but how can you possibly find your… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – William Gibson
What is hard for your competition to copy?
Here are few things that is hard for your competition to copy (individually and collectively) 1. Your HistoryYour history is yours alone. Nobody can repeat it. 2. Your IdentityIdentities are built over a lifetime. Whatever you have built as your identity so far, others can’t copy it. 3. Your RelationshipsWho you know, how you know… Continue reading
Does your company need "attention" desperately?
What do the people listed below want from my blog readers? Answer is simple: Attention.In fact, they want “attention” desperately. I took a snapshot of the part of the day (May 16, 2007) and observed the trackback entries waiting for approval. While all the names look legitimate, none of them are real blogs. All the… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Mahatma Gandhi
The following quote makes me think – do I have a big enough dream and have I coupled with a team determined enough to make it a reality? Enjoy… “A small group of determined spirits with an unquenchable thirst for their mission, can alter the course of history”. – Mahatma Gandhi Please sign up for… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – Luciano Di Crescenzco
More on commodotization – you can never rest
Competition can come from anywhere. Let’s take the case for Tivo. I think the promise that Tivo made was (and is) compelling. You can watch your favorite shows when you want it (and without the advertisements) In simple terms, this meant:* flexibility – you can choose the time.* save time – you don’t want to… Continue reading
Quotes worth recording – H.E.Luccock
Why are the open source business people not ultra-rich yet?
Hugh MacLeod started a discussion about open source and it’s impact by asking question “How well does open source currently meet the needs of shareholders and CEO’s?” One of the conclusions Hugh was reaching was that Open Source may not have made a big time impact yet. If it did, you would have seen a… Continue reading