Mini Saga #119 – Self-Respect

This mini saga was based on a real-life incident earlier this year. You can save your face by intelligently transferring the blame on someone else but in the process you will certainly lose your self-respect.

Mini Saga #119 – Self-Respect

Jacqueline had not responded for days. So, I escalated the issue to her boss, John, who immediately took action. “It was my fault. Sorry,” he said. Out of curiosity, I asked John, “Why did you own up when you could have thrown Jacqueline under the bus?” John smiled, “Self-respect!”


1. A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but exactly 50.

2. You can download a photographic manifesto of Mini Sagas at ChangeThis. Here is the link – Mini Sagas: Bite-sized Wisdom for Life and Business (PDF, 2.9MB).

3. For a complete list of Mini Sagas, please see the entire list here or at Squidoo.

4. Photo courtesy: Alex is Bored on Flickr