This month I was traveling a bit (an excuse, lack of discipline is the right excuse, though) and used up a bunch of cell phone minutes. I was over by a few hundred minutes (at $.40 per minute, it adds up quickly) above my 1400 minutes per month. I called the fine folks at Verizon Wireless three days ago. They gently reminded me to limit the use of cell phone on that day as that was the last day of the billing cycle. Of course, my friends don’t know that.
So when one of my friends called me later that day, I asked him to call me on my home number. We talked a bit and I told my story of the cell phone fiasco. He laughed and quipped – “Raj, you have to get a life. Do you know why Work Phone numbers have a “W” and mobile phone numbers have a “M” behind them? It’s mainly because when Work(“W”) gets upside-down, you start using your mobile phone (“M) like crazy..”