Greg is a Licensed Professional Business Coach, author of two books, with clients throughout the Canada, the US, South Africa and the UK. Having worked with 100’s of business owners in more than 32 different industries Greg brings a unique, practical perspective to every client.
He has been profiled in national magazines, newspapers, TV and as a guest on radio shows and as a keynote speaker to public and private companies, seminar facilitator and consultant, his advice and experiences reflect an in-the-trenches, street savvy flavor with a practical edge.
Greg’s Quought for the Day:
In the spirit of creativity, innovation, and original thought…
“So, what is the governing principle, idea, or concept that makes this work? What should be changed, added, or applied and why would that be important? What action can I take to implement it?”
Related Links:
1. Business Performance Coaching
2. Buying a Business Podcast
3. Tips and Traps When Buying a Business Book
4. Daily Thoughts for Business
5. March to Impact a Million Entrepreneurs (Greg’s Personal Blog)
5. Small Business Unplugged
6. Biz Plan Hacks
Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important!
Squidoo Lens: The Power of Questions!