Quought for the Day #28 – Mitch Matthews

Mitch Matthews has been a Certified Personal Coach since 2002. He has coached Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Medical Professionals, Pastors, Sales People, Managers, Graphic Designers, and Stay-at-Home Parents.  (www.akickinthepants.com)

Mitch has a passion for asking questions and hearing people’s stories.  Those passions led him to create a successful game series simply called “Q.”  The first in the series is “Q friends” and it was launched in 2006.  It’s described as a “thought-provoking, laughter-inspiring game to help friends connect and have fun.”

The second game in the series (Q dates) has a more romantic twist.  It will be launched mid-January of 2007… just in time for Valentine’s Day.

My $.02: Think about Mitch’s question. Go ahead and make someone’s day!

(click on the button to read the background for this series)

Mitch’s Quought for the Day

Lead Question:
Who is someone who surprised you (in a good way) in 2006?
Follow up question:
Why don’t you connect with them and let them know how they impacted you?
Additional follow up question:
Think about who you could surprise (in a good way) in 2007… and go out and do it.

Related Links:
1. Website: Do you Q
2. Blog: Do you Q

Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important!

Squidoo Lens: The Power of Questions!