I am a long-time fan of the blog Creating Passionate Users. So it is exciting to see that Kathy Sierra agreed to participate in the “Quought for the Day” project at short notice. Thanks Kathy.
Kathy Sierra has worked for the last decade in game development (Virgin MGM, Amblin’),interactive advertising (producer of Nestle’saward-winning Wonka.com), new media, artificial intelligence, and computer-based learning. Her most recent stint was as a “master trainer” for Sun Microsystems, and before that she spent several years developing and teaching the New Media and Interaction Design courses at UCLA Extension’s Entertainment Studies Department. She is the co-creator of O’Reilly’s bestselling Head First series (named to the Amazon Top Ten Computer Books for the last three years), and the original founder of javaranch.com, a programming community website with more than a half-million unique visitors each month
Optimist warning: Think about Kathy’s question and you will also quickly conclude that you should never take anything or anyone for granted.
Kathy’s Quought for the Day is
Related Links:
1. Blog: Creating Passionate Users
2. Books: Head Rush Series
3. Community: Java Ranch
Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important!
Squidoo Lens: The Power of Questions!