Recently Liz asked me whether I am intersted in being interviewed for her blog. I said ‘Yes’ without knowing clearly what I was signing up for. She asked only five questions and three of those five questions made me think for more than day. Liz can make you think. Thanks Liz. I am glad to have met you.
ME “Liz” Strauss has worked over 20 years in print, software, and online publishing. As VP and Publisher for an American textbook company, Liz developed products and strategic plans with publishers in Europe, Australia, the UK, and Ireland. She has worked small companies making acquisitions, companies in crisis, and corporate giants such as Pearson, Reed Elsevier, and Wolters Kluwer. Her expertise extends from product development and marketing into business-startups and long-term strategic planning.
Optimist warning: Think about this question for a minute and you may make someone’s day by “really” listening to them.
Here’s Liz’ Quought for the Day
Related Links:
1. Liz Strauss Blog
2. Liz Interviews Me on variety of topics – 5 part interview
Quought = Question that provokes thought. Questions are important. Thinking is important. Questions that make you think are very important!
Squidoo Lens: The Power of Questions!