A Company’s resume – client list
A teacher’s resume – student list
A leader’s resume – his people
If you are a leader, there are so many things that you have to do right. There are people who are watching your moves as you are a role model for most people. There are many ways to know how effective you are as a leader. One quick way is to constantly watch what your people are becoming. Your people are your resume.
Growing people may be the most important thing a leader has to to. One of my favorite authors on the topic of leadership John Maxwell (who is also a great leader) says that his job definition is “lid lifter” – he lifts lids (limitations) off people so that they can grow higher.What a neat concept.
If you have been leading people for more than a year, take a look at all the people who were with you last year same time. Compare them with where they are today. You should have been a catalyst to cause a major shift in what they are today as compared to what they were last year. If you care enough for your people and create an infrastructure to grow them, miracles will happen. It’s a matter of time.