More clients in this economy?

One of the questions posed in the Open Mic Night with Barry Moltz at Successful Blog (by Liz Strauss) was:

How can one find more clients in this economy?

At the risk of simplifying, here is my quick advice to the guy who’s looking for more clients in the economy:

First, remember that more people NEED help in this economy. They need “good” help. They are looking for it.So there is a bigger opportunity find clients in this economy.

Second, You have to be there where they are looking for “good” help. Visibility is key. If there is no awareness in the marketplace about who you are, it gets tough. This is where the Personal Branding (free eBook) comes into play.

Third, You have to create an assessment in these clients that YOU can provide that “good” help. There are so many people looking for the same clients so this is where the relationships you have built (free eBook) will come into play.

Fourth, You should have “accumulated” lots of proof to back up your claim that you can “provide” that good help. Your past accomplishments will provide a shortcut to establish the proof.

Fifth, If you do get a project, you should provide a service that “will blow them away” so that they go out and tell others to come and “find” you.

Have a great afternoon!