Telling a Better Story: Valentine’s Day Spending Trends

It is one thing to use the right tools. You get this wrong and you have a serious competitive disadvantage. Next step – a bit harder is to use the right tools right – yes, it’s a bit convoluted but the following example will help.

The two charts below will tell the same story – the story is about trends of Valentine’s day spending ( Courtesy notice to whomsoever it may concern: According to the research report, the Valentine’s day spending has increased… please make a note of it)

Chart 1: Valentine’s Day spending

Chart 2: Valentine’s Day Spending Trends

( this chart was created by Jackie Antig at iCharts)

Both the interactive charts were created withe the same tools from iCharts. You can interact with the data or you can embed the chart into your own website with one click. You can save the chart or print it. However, Chart 2 tells the story better.

Agreed, it takes an “extra” effort to tell a better story – more time, energy and opportunity cost.

But is it worth it?

You bet!!!

Full Disclosure: iCharts is a company I have been involved with since its inception.

Related Reading: I recently responded to a question about how to be a better storyteller. If you are interested in the topic, please visit:

Quora: How does one become a better storyteller?