Top 10+1 Content Marketing Tips for 2010; Free eBook Download

Ambal Balakrishnan (@ambal) from ClickDocuments (@clickdocuments) asked  top experts in Content Marketing, B2B Marketing and Social Media Marketing to share their predictions on how the world of content marketing will evolve in 2010. The effort was sponsored by Marketo.

The result: ClickPredictions 2010 eBook

Here are the top 10+1 Tips for Content Marketing in 2010
(all based on the predictions in the book)

1. Interruptive, “tell-and-sell” marketing is a thing of the past
2. Don’t follow the crowd.
3. Get visual!
4. Grow more ears.
5. Think about engagement
6. ROI realities emerge. Pay attention to them.
7. Don’t forget the recession.
8. Scale back the volume; it’s quality that matters
9. Understand your sales process and funnel.
10. Find the writers inside your organization.
11. Bonus Tip: It’s not the size of your megaphone that matters; it’s the size of your customers’ megaphones.

Ambal and I want to thank everyone (especially the contributors, the sponsor and the team at Stresslimitdesign) for making this happen.

You can read more about the eBook and download it on the ClickDocuments site. Here is the link:

ClickDocuments: ClickPredictions 2010 eBook (FREE download)

Have a great day.