New ChangeThis Manifesto – Mini Sagas: Bite Sized Wisdom for Life and Business

I was first introduced to the concept of Mini Saga by Dan Pink. It’s been a couple of years and I have written 26 mini sagas.

For starters, a mini saga is a story in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but in exactly 50 words.

My new manifesto published on ChangeThis is based on these Mini Sagas.

I also partnered with my a close friend Suresh Gundappa (who is a celebrated photographer) to combine a photo with each mini saga.

There are 15 mini sagas in the manifesto and for me, it is an attempt to present a thought, insight or a lesson in just 50 words. I have put my heart and soul into this project. However, I know that the verdict is in your hands 🙂

I want to thank the following people who made this happen:

1. My cool friends at 800-CEO-READ (especially Dylan Schleicher)

2. Joy Panos Stauber at Stauber Design Studios

3. Suresh Gundappa of Silicon Valley Bank (blogs at Meditation Photography)

4. Bill Sherman at Aha Moments

You can download the manifesto here (PDF, 18 pages, 2.9MB)

Mini Sagas: Bite Sized Wisdom for Life and Business

Have a great Wednesday!