You have no other choice

You have no other choice.

Or, at least that’s what you think.

You are not alone. Most people complain that they don’t have a choice on many things in their work and their personal life. It’s already signed and sealed for them on many things that matter to them. This feeling that they don’t have any other choice is weighing down on them to get a lot of things done. Even right today you might have felt that way.

Deep down though, you know that there are a LOT of things for which you are very free to make a choice.

A few examples you might relate with:

1. Do you really need to watch that show on TV today? Probably not.

2. Do you really have to spend all that time on social networks? Probably not.

3. Do you really have to mindlessly surf the web? Probably not.

4. Do you really have to read the Entertainment section in the newspaper? Probably not.

5. Do you really need to get angry at (insert name here) or yourself everyday? Probably not.

The problem is not that we don’t have a choice on many things. The problem is: We don’t exercise our choices wisely.

The problem gets compounded because:
a) When you do have a choice, you are lax and take the easy road.
b) When your choices are limited, you are frustrated to pick the best among available options.
c) You carry the frustration of not having a lot of choices into the space where you do have a lot of choices thus complicating more of your day.

Think about your week ahead. There are dozens and dozens of areas where you can make our choices. The question is: will you exercise that freedom in a way that makes your life and those that you touch more meaningful?

Only you can answer that.

Photo courtesy: karith on Flickr