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While we're waiting, let me show you where you can easily implement your lessons... the secret weapon of possibility thinking...

Upgrade your thinking today with ThinkBook

- The premium notebook for adventurers, entrepreneurs, and creative people -

Watch how you can spark your creativity and evoke deeper thoughts 

- from ThinkBook fan Lindsey Rago - CEO of RagoFit


“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” - Albert Einstein

How will ThinkBook help me to access the hidden treasures in my life and business?

1. To Think List

To Think List is similar to a To Do list, but it’s for things that you want to think about. 

2. Possibility Thinking Pairs

A possibility thinking pair is a combination of a mind-expanding insight and a thought provoking question to help you apply the insight above in your own context.

3. To Thank List

To Thank List has people you want to thank and the reason to thank them.

How will ThinkBook help me to access the hidden treasures in my life and business?

1. To Think List

To Think List is similar to a To Do list, but it’s for things that you want to think about. 

2. Possibility Thinking Pairs

A possibility thinking pair is a combination of a mind-expanding insight and a thought provoking question to help you apply the insight above in your own context.

3. To Thank List

To Thank List has people you want to thank and the reason to thank them.

Uncover the hidden treasures inside your mind and become the visionary leader you were meant to be.

  • Think Book is like your treasure map designed to help you uncover your golden ideas
  • It’s unlike any other “notebook” out there. It’s a tool to think better and accomplish more
  • With it, you can instantly access brilliant insights that have been field-tested over the last few years for relevance, meaning and value 
  • You’ll ignite your thinking power with the thought-provoking questions that come with every insight, so you find better solutions to reach your goals
  • The to-thank section reminds you to be grateful for people in a practical way, so you create meaningful and long-lasting relationships with people you care about  
  •  It’s your place to paint crystal clear pictures of your best possible future and bundle them together in a premium notebook 
  • Plus, you’ll automatically receive new editions with fresh insights every quarter, so you’ll keep expanding your mind as a possibility thinker and you can access more great opportunities every time you receive a ThinkBook

Why Vishen Lakhiani ordered 1500 copies for the Mindvalley Community

Vishen Lakhiani:  

“In the ten years I have known Rajesh, he has brought many ideas to life - both online and offline. I was delighted to see the first ThinkBook peppered with thoughtful Napkinsights. I’m excited to get this innovative creation into the hands of our community.”

As seen on:

About the Creator 

Rajesh Setty is an entrepreneur, author and teacher based in Silicon Valley. Rajesh has co-founded multiple startups in US and in India. He has written and published 15 books so far with his first book being published when he was thirteen years old. 

Rajesh has taught over a thousand entrepreneurs on how to bring their ideas to life at the Founder Institute.

Rajesh maintains a blog with close to 2,000 blog posts. His articles have been published on Huffington Post, Venturebeat, sandhill.com, YourStory.com and more.

You can read more about him at www.rajeshsetty.com

About the Creator 

Rajesh Setty is an entrepreneur, author and teacher based in Silicon Valley. Rajesh has co-founded multiple startups in US and in India. He has written and published 15 books so far with his first book being published when he was thirteen years old. 

Rajesh has taught over a thousand entrepreneurs on how to bring their ideas to life at the Founder Institute.

Rajesh maintains a blog with close to 2,000 blog posts. His articles have been published on Huffington Post, Venturebeat, sandhill.com, YourStory.com and more.

You can read more about him at www.rajeshsetty.com